Mikwano's aims are twofold
1. To provide short term assistance to alleviate immediate hardship.
2. To provide longer term assistance to promote self sustainability.
Education Support
We provide financial support to families to promote and assist with the education of their children; ensuring each child within the family has every opportunity to attend school and achieve basic literacy and numeracy.
Disability Support
We provide financial and advisory support to children with special needs and their families; supplying prescribed medicines, physiotherapy, nursing care and specialist equipment.
Emergency Support
We provide emergency relief to children and their families who are in serious and urgent need of aid; supplying essential food, shelter and medical assistance to alleviate immediate dangers and prevent any direct suffering.
Relief of Hardship
We provide financial support to deprived and distressed children and their families to reduce and hopefully eliminate prolonged hardship; supplying vital food, clothing, medical assistance and housing to alleviate persistent suffering.