Until 2010 Mikwano sponsored the following two projects. Due to the Trustees’ decision to provide greater assistance to a narrower range of projects, Mikwano has not continued its sponsorship. However we wish them every success.


Single Parents Association Uganda (SPAU)

Mikwano sponsored equipment for a tailoring and a candle making income generating project which teaches mothers these skills in order that they can generate income to care for their children and pay for their school and medical fees. The mothers are extremely grateful for this support and opportunity and conveyed their thanks to the donors by doing a local dance

Bunyoni Community Secondary School

Bunyoni is a rural community in South West Uganda. Mikwano helped this community by sponsoring materials for a tailoring project in a secondary school. This resulted in the children gaining skills enabling them to generate income – skills that are useful in themselves, but also to support them financially once they have left school.